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Before Attending a Cube of Truth Demonstration

Please respect that organisers take on a substantial responsibility to follow a specific structure we have carefully formulated. The seriousness and professionalism of our actions are directly proportional to how the public responds to us. Perhaps you are welcome to do whatever you please at other street actions, but we ask that you adhere to our structure and represent our core values while attending our events. If you cannot give this basic level of respect to the organisers or the orchestration of the event, you are not welcome to attend, as it will impede the event’s effectiveness.

A Cube of Truth is NOT a social event and should not be treated as such. There are often post socials planned for after the Cube, so we focus on the animals during the Cube.

When preparing to attend a Cube of Truth, please pack lightly. Any items brought to the Cube are your responsibility. This means you will be wearing your bag for the duration of the event. We aim to keep bags and other personal belongings well away from the Cube to not interfere with the aesthetic. The organisers will provide masks, signs, and AV closing cards. Please wear black clothing. You can purchase official AV clothing in our shop here.

If you can, please bring a fully charged device with both the recommended footage and a media player downloaded. Prepare your device ahead of time so that valuable time isn’t lost. Have the footage ready to play on loop via the media player, make sure your device is muted, has Wi-Fi disabled (to preserve battery life), and has brightness maximized. (Devices may not be necessary for you to bring if TV screens are being used. Please check with a chapter organiser.)