The Cube
Volunteers standing in the Cube will be masked and must stand up straight and be as still as possible, facing forward at all times and remaining silent. Occasionally, an organiser or outreacher may approach you to straighten your sign or screen or ask you to take a step in a certain direction to maintain the Cube aesthetic. While in the Cube, do not engage the public, even if someone approaches you or tries to talk to you. Organisers and outreachers will constantly watch the Cube and intervene when necessary.
While in the Cube, if you need to communicate with an organiser or outreacher, please raise your hand, and someone will come to check on you. Please raise your hand if…
You need a break. An outreacher will check on you and find someone to switch with you. Please try to give a few minutes’ notice so that we have time to find a replacement. Don’t leave your request until the very last minute.
You notice an unattended child watching the footage. Point them out to an outreacher, and we will find their guardian or have a child-friendly discussion about animal rights with them.
You notice a bystander who has been watching the footage for a significant amount of time but has not yet been approached by an outreacher. Please do not point at the bystander, as this can be intimidating. Instead, describe the colour of the person’s clothing (for example).
If you are taking a break from the Cube, you can rest off to the side. Or, if you are new or still looking to learn, you can shadow an experienced outreacher as well. When shadowing, please make sure you do not distract from the interaction. Please move away from the demonstration area if you are breaking to eat, smoke, or do otherwise—it is not professional to do so in the middle of a demonstration—and it can also distract other volunteers.
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